Homework Policy
Students have a homework folder that must be taken home each night and returned to school each morning. The objective of this folder is for your child to use a consistent device to transport information from school to home and from home to school. They make a great place to return homework, enclose lunch money, and send notes to school.
Please note there are two sides to the folder. One side is labeled “leave at home” and the other “return to school.” Homework is to be turned in the following school day. If your child is absent the assignment will be accepted on the day the student returns. If a homework assignment is not turned in on time it will be recorded as a zero in the grade book. The child will still be responsible for completing the assignment so that we may assess their comprehension of the material to ensure their understanding. When work is returned the following day the student will receive a deduction of their total points earned, thus replacing the zero.
The school district handbook states that a student has one day for each day absent to complete any missed work. We follow this guideline but will allow more time if the student needs more instruction so they may better understand the missed work. Please feel free to contact me with any question!
Please note there are two sides to the folder. One side is labeled “leave at home” and the other “return to school.” Homework is to be turned in the following school day. If your child is absent the assignment will be accepted on the day the student returns. If a homework assignment is not turned in on time it will be recorded as a zero in the grade book. The child will still be responsible for completing the assignment so that we may assess their comprehension of the material to ensure their understanding. When work is returned the following day the student will receive a deduction of their total points earned, thus replacing the zero.
The school district handbook states that a student has one day for each day absent to complete any missed work. We follow this guideline but will allow more time if the student needs more instruction so they may better understand the missed work. Please feel free to contact me with any question!
Parent-teacher conferences are a great way for us to communicate. I will contact you at least 2 times a year to meet with you to discuss your awesome child's progress! Conferences usually last no longer than 20 minutes. There may be times when I contact you for a conference when there is repeated misbehavior or if I have any concerns regarding your child. Just know that I do this out of love for your child, I only want them to succeed! You may also contact me to schedule a conference if you have any concern or questions.